3 New Years Reminders for the Reluctant Resolution Maker

Does anyone else find the beginning of a brand new year to be a stressful time to set daunting new goals? For some people it makes sense to start a calendar year anew with a fresh sense of purpose and whatnot, but for others, that place where the comedown off the holiday party circuit meets the dotted line of an impulse-buy gym membership is an unwelcome shock to their system.

Should this sound like you, don’t throw the notion of resolutions out the window like your next guilty cigarette. Rather, keep these reminders in mind for far less intense ways of subtly getting your shit together.

Cold turkey is a leftover, not a lifestyle choice.

To quit or to cut back? This question has been haunting resolution makers since the silly goals started gaining popularity way back whenever. Before the NYE hangovers or holiday pounds have even settled in, self-righteous proclamations of sober living and sugar cutting are dominating the conversation. Don’t feel pressured to jump on this abstinence train. Rather, empower yourself and scale your goals to whatever terms you deem necessary. Maybe you want to drink three bottles of wine a week instead of seven? Do you. Someone is always going to have an opinion of your behavior, but only you know what’s up with what you truly want.

Moving more means you can get away with not technically exercising.

Oh the gym. Indeed, it’s a health and wellness-based community in which many individuals thrive. But for others it can be an awkward blend of sweat and silent socializing comprised of heads nods and high fives. If you fall into the latter category, remember that you don’t have to succumb to the societal pressure to join the gym, shed the pounds, or pretend that you like running in 2018. This is where working practical exercise into your everyday life—such as walking or biking to work, or while you’re running errands, etc—presents a fine chance to inject a little activity into your life. Try to picture yourself hauling a modest load of groceries a couple miles home. If that’s too much, quit being lazy and start taking the stairs more often.

Nutritious choices make dieting unnecessary.

Many people have health goals that necessitate the strict regimen of a diet. But for those of us that find the rules and regulations of the damn things suffocating and unsustainable, there are a plethora of options for simply making a healthier choice. By not focusing on what you’re not supposed to eat, you stand a better chance of putting yourself in a more present mindset to actually see the foods you should be eating. Going to extremes like taking on a vegetarian diet may not be for you, but juicing fruits and vegetables would be a healthy addition to your daily diet. Who knows, by finding places to fit in more nutritious choices, some of the less desirable eating habits may begin fading away naturally.

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